本日のフレーズ:Clean up your act
clean up your act (idiom)
to change the way you behave, so that you stop doing bad or dishonest things
— Cambridge dictionary
clean up one’s act
〔人が〕行いを改める[正す]、改めるべき点を改める、改心する、心を入れ替える、まともになる、更正する– 英辞郎
Hey there ! Were you able to get up around 4:30 today ?
Nope…I woke up at 5:30… But tomorrow, I will wake up around 4:30 for sure !!!
That’s nice…I’ve heard that tons of times , though..Anyway, good luck!
Yeah, I’ll start cleaning up my act from now on.
本日の50単語:英検1級 でる順パス単 5訂版 801~850
NEW: incline, intensify, lodge, mitigate, outlaw, render, supervise, chatter, conjure, cripple, culminate, foresee, lull , misunderstand, perpetuate, wane , appraise, ascribe, budge, incarcerate, overreact, overstate, penalize,
NEW: hurdle, inspiration, instability, insulation, intern, lineup, loyalist, murderer, nobility, occurrence, perch, practitioner, predecessor, pregnancy, privatization, progression, reactor, reflection, reign, resignation, revelation, revival, segment, spokesperson, standpoint, suite, superiority , superiority